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Test Code LAB5001EF Cytology, Effusion

Specimen Requirements

Pleural, Peritoneal, Pericardial fluid in 1 Liter Vacutainer or 120 mL sterile screw cap container Syringe with needle removed.
50 mL to 1 Liter or more.

Specimen Transport
Submit fluids fresh. Refrigerate specimen following collection if transport is delayed.
If transit time more than 1 hour, transport to BAH lab with coolant pack; avoid freezing.
Non-EPIC clients: Transport in cooler with Non-Gyn order, patient demographics and billing information.
Unacceptable Criteria
Specimens with added fixative, anticoagulant, or submitted in blood collection tubes. This severely limits the processing and interpretive quality of specimens.
Frozen specimens.
Unlabeled specimens.


Temperature Time
Room Temp 18-28°C 4 hours
Refrigerated 2–8°C 72 hours
Frozen <0°C Not acceptable

Collection Instructions

Follow standard aseptic collection procedures. Specify laterality (L/R) for pleural fluids/thoracentesis.

Place labeled specimen container inside a biohazard bag.
Non-EPIC clients include the request form, billing and demographic information in the outside pocket of the bag. Request form must include patient's name, medical record number, date of birth, specimen source, collection date, clinic and phone number, clinician's full name, pager number, and pertinent clinical history.

Additional Information

Report provides interpretation. The International Classification System is used for reporting results on Effusions. Contact the BAH Cytology Lab at (541) 269-8454 for further information.

Test Limitation
Abnormal findings must be correlated with history and other test results.

Non-EPIC clients: Paperwork must include on order the patient's name and medical record number, date of birth, specimen source, collection date, clinic and phone number, clinician's full name, pager number, and pertinent clinical history. Other paperwork required: demographics and billing information.
All clients: Patient labels on specimen containers indicating laterality as appropriate.

Turnaround time: 2-3 days.
Test is only performed Monday-Friday, 0800-1630


CB Non-Gyn Cytology, LAB5001, Pleural Fluid (left/right), Pleural Cavity, Ascites, Ascitic fluid, Peritoneal fluid, Abdominal fluid, Pericardial fluid, Cytology

